Call for Paper - December - 2024 [Volume :13, Issue:12]
IJCRD Journals solicits original research papers for Online/Print Journal Publication.Authors are cordially invite to submit paper to the upcoming edition.The manuscript/paper can be submitted via email to :
The email must bear the subject line "IJCRD Journals Research Paper ". A maximum of 4 co-authors can participate in any IJCRD paper submission. A maximum of 6 pages are allowed for any paper/ manuscript. Manuscripts submitted to this journal will be deemed as they have not been published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Research Area of IJCRD Journals Publication includes :
Ad Hoc & Sensor Network Adaptive Control Advanced numerical computation and optimisation Applications of Computer Science in Modeling Architectures and computation models, compiler, hardware and OS issues Artificial intelligence Automated Software Engineering & CASE Bayesian Statistics Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing Biomedical Engineering Cloud Computing and Applications Cluster, grid and web-based computing and simulation Compilers and Interpreters Complex systems: modelling and simulation Computational Intelligence Computational Mathematics Computational Modeling and Simulation in Science and Engineering Computational Topology Computer and microprocessor-based control Computer Animation Computer Architecture & VLSI Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems Computer Based Education Computer Games, Graphics and Multimedia Simulation Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality Computer Graphics and Multimedia Computer Modeling Computer Networks Computer Networks and Data Communication Computer Security Computer Simulation Computer Vision Computer-aided Design/Manufacturing Computing Ethics Computing Practices & Applications Control Systems Data Communications Cryptography Data and Information Systems Data Base Management Data Compression Data Encryption Data Mining Database Systems Digital Forensic Digital Library Digital Signal and Image Processing Digital System and Logic Design Digital Systems Distributed AI and Soft/Natural/ Neural Computing Distributed and Parallel Processing Distributed Systems E-commerce and E-governance Embedded Systems Emerging Computing technologies and applications Ensemble Modeling Event Driven Programming/ High Performance Computing Expert Systems |
Fault Tolerant & Reconfigurable computing systems Graphics and Imaging Hardware-software co-design and VLSI support Human Computer Interaction Image analysis and processing Information Personalization Information Retrieval Information Systems Internet and Distributed Computer Systems Internet and Web Applications Knowledge Data Engineering Memory system, I-O, tools, programming environment and language supports Mobile Computing Mobile Computing and Applications Mobile, Multimedia computing & cloud computing Multimedia Applications Natural Language Processing Network Modeling and Simulation Network Security & Cryptography Applications Neural Networks Parallel and Distributed Computing Pattern Recognition Performance modelling and evaluation Pervasive Computing Principle of Concurrency Problem-solving environments Programming Languages Quantum Computing Reconfigurable Computing Systems Robotics and Automation Security & Cryptography Robotics and Micro-Robotics Robotics, Automation, Computer Vision Applications Scientific and engineering computing Semantic Web Technologies and Social Semantic Web Sequential Decision Theory Signal Processing Social Network Mining Social Networks and Online Communities Software Engineering & CASE System Security Software Life-cycle Management Software Testing System security and security technologies Technology in Education Technology in Education Technology Management Theoretical Computer Science Theoretical Informatics Ubiquitous/Pervasive Networks and Computing User interfaces and interaction models Vision-based applications Visualisation and virtual reality Visualization and Multimedia Wavelet Representations Web Technologies Wired/Wireless Sensor Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless technology |